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  • Writer's picturesaim sahi


When you're waterproofing a basement, it is a very challenging application.

Two things you need to understand, are you waterproofing from the positive side, which means I'm getting to the external part of the wall before earth is backfilled against that? Or am I confronted with a situation where I can't waterproof the positive and I'm going to go from inside the basement, which is what we call the negative side?

Now, the negative side is always the more challenging because you can't see what's there. Positive side is the better one to approach but you need to do it properly, and we’ve got specifications for that. But understand the role that an engineer's reports have in these applications, okay? No one builds a basement without an engineering report or an engineering plan or specification. So, ask for it. And if you don't understand how to read it, you can lean on aqua seal to help you with that or ask your builder in terms of explaining what's involved in it, but you need to understand that there's an engineering report that goes with it.

It's not about architectural drawings, there's an engineering piece that attaches to a basement application. There will be drawings that the engineer will have for the basement. Ask for them, read them, and look at the section details because there'll be things that they will highlight in terms of the footings. They will detail through specific pieces that are critical to ensure that you know exactly what has been specified for that job, so you are doing it properly, that you're not compromising any data on that. Things on the surfaces, is it a concrete surface, is it block work, is it precast? All these can make a difference in terms of what products you use and how you approach it.

Now, in Aqua seal knowledge, we've used several products that can be used for underground basement work like Grip set C1P and Grip set 2P, our Grip set 59, our Grip set GC Sheet, we have applications for that you can use, the E60 and our T-LOCK, which is a PVC membrane, more for commercial applications but it is there for you. Along with all those membranes, we have accessory products that work well in these applications, like our 11Y DM system and our C-Plug. A lot of the times, with negative applications, you're going to need to use a water plug in that waterproofing method. The solutions are here, but you need to know the demands of the basement, that's the most important piece. Do not treat it like you think of, "This is like a bathroom, and 90% of the time I'm doing the same thing." Most of times, every basement has different requirements and challenges. Be very, very aware of that. Ask for the information, get the details. This is not a slapdash application. Work with your client. Get it right now because when it's built, it's very costly to fix later, but it's an opportunity. If you get good at this and you can cut your teeth into being a basement water-proofer, you can really make a name for yourself, be very, very profitable in that application, and that's where people, once you get into that situation where you can waterproof the basement of a building, often you're in on the site. So, then they will utilize your services for the next stage, the next stage, the next stage. You're on site, you're the preferred water-proofer, and you get a whole new client and a whole project. If you've got any questions on basement waterproofing, we're here to help you ask those questions.

Like Aqua seal said, do not treat basement waterproofing like other areas of waterproofing. It is more specific and specialized, but there is the ability to do it and do it successfully. More information, contact us at

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